Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Economic Principles and their Application to Business

Types of Fabric :
                           There are 4 kinds of fabric as ;Woven, non woven , Knitted & Braid .

                           Yarn is the raw material of woven ,Knitted & Braid fabric .
                           But fibre is the raw material of Non-woven fabrics .
Woven Fabric :
                      Woven fabric is the interlacment of yarn done by warping & wefting.There are two sets of yarn are used for woven fabric .When interlacing,two sets of yarn create 90 angle between then .It is a broad & narrow fabric .Woven process is-Warp  -ends & waft  -picks  -Filling .
Example :Sari ,Bed cloth etc .

                               By interloping (intermeshing/interlocking/interknotting) one or one set yarn knitted fabric is made . It is a broad & narrow fabric .
Example:T-shrt , Under wear .

                                        By using only fabric (not yarn) non-woven fabric made .By giving pressure heat or free needle stitching to the fiber laps this non-woven fabric is made .It is a broad & narrow fabric .
Example:Blanket ,Ruff fabric etc .

                         Braid fabric is made by diagonally interlace meant of minimum three sets of yarn.It is a narrow fabric .
Example :Shoe ,Lace etc .

                                     Flow Chart of weaving

                    Warp Yarn                                                 Weft Yarn

 Spinning        Winding       Cone/Cheese               Spinning winding pirn/cone
 bobbin                                                                      Bobbin
                                                                             (pirn winding/cone winding)
     Cone         Warping       Prebeam/Back               Conventional     Modern
                                                                            Shuttle loom  Shuttlessloom

  Prebeam         Sizing       Warp beam

Warp beam      Drawing      Weavers beam

                      Looming          Weaving

N.B. Sizing means give adhesive material to yarn loom is weaving machine.

Winding :
              The word winding means wrap round roll up .

                     Package                                            Winding
 Warp           1.Cone                                              1.Cross winding
                     2.Cheese                                          2.Parallel winding

 Weft           4.Pirn                                                3.Near parallel winding
                     6.Flanged bobbin

                  The process of winding yarn from cone/cheese on the beam is called warping .
  Processing :
                    1.Yarn guide
                     2.Tention devise
                     3.Stop motion

Types of warping :
                           1.Sectional warping
                           2.Direct warping


              EPI * PPI
                                                  *Fabric width
      Warp count * Weft count
EPI =Ends per Inch   (For WARP)
PPI =Picks Per Inch   (For WEFT)

EPI means how much warp yarn per inch .
PPI means how much weft yarn per inch .

               Sizing is the process in which the warp yarn are coated by the adhesive material .

Sizing Ingredients :
                              1.Stach material
                              3.Anti mildew agents

Objects of yarn sizing :

@ To increase weav ability
@ To increase strength
@ To increase elongation
@ To increase hairiness

                  To draw the warp yarn throw the healdeye according to the degine.

                 To draw the warp yarn throw the reed.

            Loom is a machine/Device by which the fabric is production .

Classification of loom


Hand loom                                                                   Power loom


                          Throw shuttle loom  Shuttle loom               Shuttleless loom
                                                                                               (modern loom)
2.Pit loom                                                                              1.Projectile loom           
                                            Ordinary loom           Auto loom 2.Repier loom
                           Fly shuttle loom                                          3.Airjet loom
3.Frame fly shuttle loom                                                       4.Waterjet loom
4.Chittaranjon loom                                                             5.Multiphase loom
5.Hattersle loom

                                          @ Common motor
                                          @ Individual motor

                                          LOOM MOTION


Primary motion                  secondary motion                         Tertiary motion
1.Shedding                         1.Let – off                               1.Warp stop motion
@Tappet                              -ve  let-off                           2.Weft stop motion
@Dobby                               +ve  let-off                           3.Reed motion
@Jacquard                                                                       4.Temple motion
2.Picking                             2.Take-up                               5.Weft motion
@Over pick                         -ve take-up
@Under pick                       +ve take-up
@Modern pick
@Single beat-up                  @ 5 wheel
@Variable beat-up              @ 6 wheel
@Multiple beat-up               @ 7 wheel

“Basic Weave structure”

                                      There are 3 kinds of weaving-
1.     Plain
2.    Twill
3.    Satin/steen

     Warp up over weft                                                         weft up over warp

Structure :Warp and weft are interlacement is called structure .

We can represent a degine by below :-
1.Weave plan
2.Drafting plan
3.Lifting plan
4.Denting plan

Features of plain weave ;-

@ The plain weave is obtained by raising all even numbered at one pick and raising all the odd numbered ones at the other pick .
@The repeat contains 2 ends and 2 pick.
@Both siders of the fabric are idential .
@It comprise a high production of the total out put of the woven fabric .
@Made from all kind of textile raw materials and yarns i.e cotton,linen,jute,man made fibres,both spun and continuous filament .
@Threads interlacing in alternate order .
@Each thread gives manimum amount of support to the adjacent threads .
@Textile is stranger and tirmer then any other ordinary cloth .
@Two heald shafts are sufficient to produce plain weave when the number of ends/cm is large 4 or 6 heald shafts are used with  skip draft.

Derivatives of plain weave .
                                                                   Regular warp rib
                                 Warp rib weave            Irregular warp rib
1.Rib weave                                                    Regular weft rib                                 
                                    Weft rib weave            Irregular weft rib

2.Matt weave
i.Regular matt weave .
ii.Irregular matt weave .
iii.Stitched matt weave .
iv.Fancy matt weave .

Note :Rib effect :@ By using thick yarn .
                            @By weaving .

  Comparison of warp and weft rib .
i.Based on  plain weave .    

ii.warp yarn used as single thread .

iii.Weft yarn used as group/Bundle.

@If regular warp rib .then number of 
weft yarn is equal in the bundle .

@If irregular warp rib the number of
weft yarn is unequal in the bundle .

iv.Weft way rib effect is produced .

v.Number of warp yarn in the repeat
size always 2 .

vi.Rib width is depend on number of weft in the bundle .                           
i.Based on plain weave .

ii.weft yarn used as single thread .

iii.Warp yarn used as group/Bundle.

@If regular weft rib .then number of 
warp yarn is equal in the bundle .

@If irregular weft rib the number of
warp yarn is unequal in the bundle .

iv.Wwarp way rib effect is produced .

v.Number of weft yarn in the repeat
size always 2 .

vi.Rib width is depend on number of warp in the bundle .

                                              TWILL WEAVE
@ A twill weave is characterized by diagonal ribs (twill line) on the face of the fabric .
@ These twill lines are produced by letting all warp ends interlace in the same way but displacing the interlacing points of each ends by one pick relative to that of the previous end .
@ A weave that repeats on there or more ends and picks .
@ Twill lines are formed on both sides of cloth .
@ The direction of diagonal lines on the face side of cloth is opposite to that on the wrong side coinciding respectively with the weft and warp floats on the other side .
@ If warp floats predominate on one side of the cloth weft  floats will predominate in the same proportion on the other side .


i.According to the direction of twill line .
-          z twill
-          s twill 
ii.According to the face yarn .
-          warp face twill
-          weft face twill
-          Double face twill
iii.According to the nature of twill line .
-Simple warp or weft twill line
-Expandel twill
-Multiple twill

Plain Weave :Most common and simplest woven structure where each warp yarn or ends runs over pick and under the next pick and each weft yarn or pick runs over one end and under the next .

Ornamentation of plain cloth :

@To colour the warp yarn we may get a staip .
@To colour the weft yarn we may get a staip .
@To colour the warp and weft yarn we get a design .
@To change the density of the warp .
@ To change the density .
@To change the tension of the fabric .
@Using fancy yarn .
@And decorating weave .

Twill weave :Weave pattean where the interlacing of the yarns show a diagonal pattern on the cloth .

Classification of twill weave :
1.According to the direction of twill line :
    -----z   twill  2
                        -----------  z
    -----s  twill    1
                        ------------ s
2.According to the face yarn .
   ----warp face twill    3                  5
                                  ---------     ;    ----------
1                                  2

     ----- weft face twill    2

-----Double face twill    3

   Move number:
 Division of the sumation of formula number in two part it the sumation can’t
 Divide by any one of them.In this process which number are found that number is called move number /displacement number or step value .

 Law of satin weave :

         Only one bending in each warp & weft yaen means bending is equal of yarn .

 Irregular satin :

          Which repeat size has no move number is called irregular satin .
 Only 4&6 is irregular satin .

Regular satin :
  The repeat size which has move number is regular satin .

N.B:One is not a move number .

Fabric constrution /specification :

Balance Cloth :  Equation of EPI&PPI of fabric & equation of warp count &weft count indicates balance cloth .
                                               30   *   30
          Sample construction :  -------------- *45’’
                                              80   *    80

   Unbalance cloth : The cloth which has difference between EPI,PPI & between warp count Weft count is called unbalance cloth . It has two class as for bellows .

    Warp face :The fabrics which has density in warp yarns and the warp yarns are finer but weft yarns are coutrser is called warp face cloth .
                                         60   *     20
        Sample construction --------------- *45”
120     *  50

Weft face :  The fabric which has density in weft yarns & finer but warp yarns are coutrser is called weft face cloth .

                                        20    *    60
      Sample construction --------------- *56”
                                      45    *    45

  Ornamentation of plan cloth :

        Without changing in basic weave we can decorated fabric by this process .

  1.We can make chack cloth by using coloured yarn in warp or weft .
  2.We can make  chack cloth by using various coloured yarn both warp & weft  sides .
  3.Byusing different counted yarn in warp 7 weft .
  4.By changing warp density .
  5.By changing weft density .
  6.Byusing spicial types of reed .
  7.By using tenson beem .In this process we must use crave yarn on highly  twisted yarn .As sear sucker fabric
  8.By using spicial types of yarn as like .Jorjet .
  9.Byusing fanicy yarn .as khaddar .
  10.  Warp                                        Weft

  Cotton                                             Jute

 Cotton                                             polyester
 polyester                                        Nilon

 Rib : Rib is an effect .We can grow rib effect in fabric by using thick yarn or by weaving .Straight & fat line of cord fabric is an example of rib effect .

  @ There are two kinds of plane weave derivating like rib & matt.

  Properties of warp rib :
  1.Its based on plan weave .
  2.Warp way rib effect –
                            -Bundle of thread of weft .
                            -Warp single thread .
  3.Weft way rib effect –
                            -Bundle of thread of warp.
                            -Weft single thread .
   Derivatives of twill weave ;

1.     Zig zag twill weave .
2.      Herring bone twill weave .
3.    Diamond design twill weave
4.    Elongation twill weave
5.    Broken twill weave .
6.    Re –arranged twill weave .
7.    Diaper twill weave .
8.    Stepped twill weave .
9.    Shadded twill weave .
10. Combind twill weave

Zig zag ;  1.Hrizantal zig zag .
               2.Virtical zig zag .
Herring bond ;1.Horizantal herring bond .
                       2.Vertical herring bond .
Rearranged twill :1.Cork screw design .
                            2.Odd cork screw .
                            3.Even number cork scrrew .

Stepped twill:1.Same directin .
                       i.Warp way step .
                       ii.Weft way step .
                       iii.Warp &Weft both way .
                      2.Opposite direction .
Shadded twill :1.Single shedded twill .
                        2.Double shadded twill .
                 N.B ;Twill base sateen base .
Colour & Weave Effect :1.Simple colour & weave effect .
                                      2.Compound colour & weave effect .
Order of colouring :1.Simple order of colouring .
                               i.For warp simple Warping .
                               ii.For weft simple wefting .
                               2.Compound order of colouring .
                              i.For warp compound Warping .
                                    ii.For weft compound wefting .
                                   Example :50% 2:5+50%3:4
                                    3.Regular order of colouring .
                                    4.Irregular order of colouring .

   Cord effect : By using thick yarn .
                         By weaving .
                                           -Rib weave .
                                           -Bed ford cord weave .
                                           -Pique weave .
  Types of bed ford cord ;  1.Plain face bed ford cord .
                                          2.Wadded bed ford cord .
                                          3.Twill face bed ford cord .
                                          4.Bed ford cord asranged with alternate picks .
                                          5.Crepon bed fort cord .

  Plane face bed ford cord : 1.The surface of cloth is ruff .
                                            2.Grew cord effect .
                                            3.Weft yarn is always 4 .
  Sunken line :The nerrow & flat area between two cord is called sunken line .

    Wadded thread : The thread which low twisted lower quality  and thick yarn .
  Why we use wadded thread ?
  Ans : 1.To increase the prominency of effect of  a bed ford cord .
           2.To creat heavy cloth .
           3.To increase the softness of a cloth .
           4.To increase the thickness of a cloth .

  Extra thread design

 If extra thread used as a warp thread is called extra warp design .
 Extra warp design – 2sets of warp yarn ground +extra
                                 One set of weft yarn only ground .

  If extra thread used as a weft thread is called extra weft design .
  Extra weft design -  one set of warp yarn only ground .
                                  2 sets of weft yarn ground + extra .

 Crape Weave : By using crape yarn .
                        By crape weaving .

                           1.Sateen base weave .
                           2. By reversing .
                           3.By super imposing .
                           4.Plain base weave .

   Craped yarn : Craped yarn is a highly twisted filament yarn .
  Honey Comb Weave :1.Ordinary honey comb .
                                  2.Brighton Honey comb .



colouring      Orderof

Types of

Simple weave

Stripe weave

Chack weave

Simple warping
& Smple wefting

Simple pattern

Strip pattern
Check pattern

Compound warping
& Sample wefting

Strpe pattern

Strip pattern

Check pattern

Simple warping &
Compound wefting

Cross-over pattern

Check pattern

Check pattern

Compound warping
&compund wefting

Check pattern

Check pattern

Check pattern


Yarn count or numbering system :
  Indirect system : Weigth    ---------- Fixed
                               Length    ----------Variable

  Indirect system : English count system or cotton system (Ne)
                              Matric system (Nm)
                              Wollen system
                              Worsted system

 System                         Weigth                         Length

 Ne                                 1 lbs                             ? * 840 yds/hank

  Nm                               1 KG                            ? *  1000 M

  Wallen                          1 lbs                            ?  *  256  yds

   Worsted                      1 lbs                            ? *560  yds
                                                        L * w
  Indirect system aar formula :  N=---------
                                                        W * l

 N =yarn count ; W =sample weigth ;L=sample length ;w =unite weigth;l=unit length.

 Example :Yarn length of a cone  150000 yds weigth of the yarn  4lbs .
                                   L  *  w
English count : Ne =------------
                                   W  * l         
                                 150000 * 1
                              = --------------
                                 840 *4

                               = 44 Ne

                                        L * w
  Matric count : Nm  :N  =---------
                                      =75.075 Nm

                            L * w
   Wollen  : N   =---------


                         =146.48 wollen

                            L * w
   Worsted  : N   =---------


                         =66.44 worsted

yarn ncount or numbering system :

 Direct system : Weigth ---------Variable (gm)
                          Length  --------- Fixed   (m)

 Direct system : Tex system
                           Danier system
                          Jute or spyndle system.

System                            Weigth                              Length

 Tex                                 ? (gm)                               1000m

 Dainer                             ?(gm)                                9000m

 Jute or spyndle               ?(gm)                               14400 yds/ spyndle.

   Direct system low or formula :
              W  *  l
     N =------------

  N=Yarn count ;W=Sample weigth ; L=Sample length .

We know : 1  lbs    =453 gm
1      yds  =0.91 m
1      m     = 1.09 yds
1  kg     =2.204 lbs

Example : yarn length of a cone 150000m weigth of the yarn 3 kg.

                 W *l
 Tex ; N = ----------

                   3000(gm) *1000

              =20 Tex

                       W *l
 Danier ; N = ----------

                   3000(gm) *9000

              =180 D

                   W *l
 Jute; N = ----------

                   2.204*3*100 *14400

              =.58 lbs/spyndle

Example :Yarn length of a cone 100000 yards weigth of the yarn 4 lbs.

                   W *l
 Tex ; N = ----------


              =20 Tex

                      W *l
 Danier ; N = ----------


              =179.20 D

                           W *l
 SPYNDLE ; N = ----------

                   4 *14400

              =.576 lbs /spyndle

 Denim :
 1.It is a warp face twill .
2.It made cotton or cotton polyster blend.
3.It is a heavy weight twill fabric .
4.Usually the warp is coloured and weft is white .
5.It is often a left hand twill with a blue (indigo)warp and weft white for use in apparel industry .
              Fabric construction .
              7’s To16’s *8’s To23’s
               60*36 To    72*44

  Georgette ;
1.It is a plain weave fabric .
2.It is made with  filaments yarn .
3.By using creap twist yarn for warp and weft alternates .
4.For example even number warp &weft yarn may be –S- twist.
5.Odd number yarns may be –Z- twist .
6.It can be a solid colour or printed .
7.It is a light weight fabric .
8.It is very drape well .
9.It originally made of silk .

 Gabardine :
1.It is a tightly woven medium to heavy weight warp faced steep or regular angle .
2.Twill weave fabric with a vary prominent .

   Fabric construction :
     15’s To 39/2 *15’s To26’s
      110 *76 To  130  *80

   Oxford :
1.It is usually a 2*1 or 2 *3 basket weave .
2.It is most common as a 2*1 half basket weave .
3.It may have a yarn dyed warp and weft white and be called oxfort chanbray .
4.Oxfort looks like a blanced fabric .
5.Warp yarn finer and higher twist weft yarn soft and loose weave .
6.Oxfort fabric are medium weight saft .

  @ Calculation the fabric weight in kg of 10000 meter of the folloing fabric :
   60   *    40
120     *  80

 Here ,
EPI =120
Warp =60 Ne
Weft =40 Ne
Warp crimp 2%
Weft crimp 3%
Warp calculation ;

Total no of warp =120 *45
Length of one warp yarn =10000+10000*.02
Total length of warp yarn =5400*10200

840*60*.91---------453 gm
                                     453 *55080000
    55080000   --------- ...................................

                                      =544.02 kg

Weft calculation   :

Total no of weft =80 *10000*39.37
Length of one weft yarn =45+45*.03

Total length of weft yarn =31496000 *1.2875

840 * 40  ---------------453 gm

                                      453 * 40551100
40551100  --------------....................................
                                            840 *40

                                   =   546.71 kg

Total warp &weft weight =544.02+546.71  kg
                                        =1090.73 kg  Ans